The link of the video: FRENCH LESSON – learn french with Harry Potter I ( french + english subtitles )
The video I chose is the part of the film Harry Potter with french dubbing as well as french subtitles. During the class, all of the students in different groups will dub for a movie with French dubbing and French subtitles, just like the movie in the video. We will separate all of the students into different groups according to the movies they choose. In addition, everyone will be given a script of a movie in class and has 20 minutes to prepare. After everyone is ready, they will do the dubbing in turn.
Actually, before the dubbing assessment, we will introduce everyone in our class to download a dubbing app(MadLipz) in their smart phones. Furthermore, by means of the dubbing app we will assign some tasks regarding dubbing for different French movie parts, which helps them get familiar with dubbing works as well as do well in dubbing during the class.
When it comes to the feedback the dubbing assignment on the app(MadLipz), we will take the systematic scoring for reference and give the final grades in terms of their pronunciation, fluency, emotion, etc.
Additionally, as for the dubbing task during class, considering that few students may feel nervous and shy dubbing in front of the whole class, we will mark only focus on engagement and participation.
We believe that dubbing for a film can not only arouse students’ interest in learning French, but also improve their expression and imitation skills. Our goal in getting students to complete the dubbing task is not to expect them to be as fluent and standard in pronunciation as the characters in French films, but to create a tu that is different from traditional teaching and stimulates their language imitation and interest in language learning.
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